My Beloved

Friday, April 13, 2012

Milo's A Good Drink & So Is Coke

The reason or reasons why I've deactivated my main Facebook account and left the other inactive won't be revealed unless someone asks me.

All right.

Talking about drinks, Milo has always been my favourite from young. Be it hot or iced cold, it still tastes awesome. Coke (or Coca Cola) has also been my favourite from my teenage years. I never knew they sold Chocolate Coke in the US! *Gasps*

Isn't it an awesome combination? Chocolate Coke? I can die for it drinking gallons everyday *Smiles*

How about some local combinations for Coke? Like... Milo Coke anyone? Do people still remember the now defunct Cherry Coke and Vanilla Coke? I miss them.